It's been FOREVER since I posted something here. But now that I actually feel like writing again, I thought I'd throw down some quick prose. Really, really short.
What A Strange Thing, This
Flames dances before him, ashes covered his already bloodstained hands. Why? Why did it always comes to this? Fire, brimstone, hellish landscape. It all looked the same. He sat, and tilted his head skyward. The orange of the fire seemed to lick at the sky. The moon was behind a cloud, as if hiding its face from the carnage. What a strange thing, this. The smoke smelled terrible, but of course it should, he thought. Flesh, no matter how deformed always burned the nostrils. But what was this abomination? The question replayed in his weary mind. Why did they always find him, and not some other poor, helpless indiviual? His work finished, he returned to his feet. The moon was peeking its side out from behind the cloud. The moon had taken a sickly reddish glow, as if stained by the same blood that had flowed from the abomination. Shining its red glow down upon... the Earth? He didn't know for sure, but he thought it was. Maybe. Did trees always look like that? Did the air he was greedily drinking down to calm his heart always taste this way? He couldn't recall. Before leaving he takes one final glance at the monster before him, bloodstained, burning, dead. What a monstrosity. Only two legs, two arms, a sickly pinkish colour. How could anyone stand to look such a way?
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